Dont Quit, Say No to Excuses
Do you find yourself saying – I’m tired! Too busy, no time! I will definitely do it tomorrow for sure! Can you relate to these statements? These are nothing but excuses in your path to getting your work accomplished. Oftentimes, we say these statements or hear these words from someone else. What stops you from reaching your goal? What shakes your resolution and makes you procrastinate? Let us explore some of the reasons why we do this and what we can do to overcome these excuses. Dont quit just yet.
Dont Quit, Stay Focused
Stay focused is very easy to say but how do we stay focused? Indeed, this is a common question I have heard from every 5th person who consults me for a diet and lifestyle plan. Dont quit just yet. Here are some broad tips to help you stay focused
- Have a Checklist. A weekly checklist is a broad reminder to see that you are moving towards of goal of staying on track. You can refer to the picture above for some ideas. Simple reminders like the ones above can help you get started.
- Motivate Yourself. Sticky notes or post-it note reminders stuck inside your cupboard or at your desk where you can’t miss it work just great. You could create a post-it sticky of any activity that you feel you tend to procrastinate.
- Phone reminders. Set daily reminders or alarm which goes off when you tend to miss your meal timings or forget to drink water.
- Get supportive friend or family. It is great to start an exercise program with a friend or a neighbor or a supportive cousin. Going for simple walks together or working out together can work wonders in not procrastinating.
- Stick a poster of your favorite sexy looking movie star or celebrity. Daily one look at this poster can help you stick to your resolve to not quit.
- Phone Apps. Use the Health App on the phone to keep track of the number of steps you walk. You can set daily reminders so you can get a daily pop-up to not miss your exercise.
Go ahead and add what reminders or tips you use so that you dont quit your good health goals in the comments section below. Do you know the Top 5 health tips to avoid weight gain during festivals and holidays?
Pallavi Pinge is a Clinical Nutritionist and Dietitian | Content Director & Editor for health websites | has a passion for digital health and enjoys promoting health and wellness. She’s the founder and director of Ambrosia Wellness, where she provides personalized nutrition counseling, education, and coaching to individuals with various health conditions. You can follow her on her social media channels below to stay tuned in with the latest in health and wellness | Health Blog | Contact her for appointments |