Pallavi Pinge has over 25 years of work experience. She has worked in various facets of nutrition. Her work experience ranges from Clinical Nutritionist & Dietitian to Project Manager & Content Director, Editorials on health websites to Corporate Nutritionist. She has extensive and diverse work experience both in Nutrition and Computers. She has enjoyed working as a Content Director on online health portals. She has a unique background in health, computers, AI (artificial intelligence) and editorial skills. She specializes as a Nutritionist treating lifestyle diseases and is currently on a mission to help 1,000,000 Women in Midlife deal with menopause and related health issues. She has set up the Nurture Her Brand and Community on World Menopause Day, October 18, 2024 to improve the mental, physical and emotional health and life of women in midlife through nutrition and holistic healing.
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