Diabetes Symptoms – Watch for early signs & Diagnosis
Signs and Symptoms of Diabetes
High blood sugar levels seen in blood or urine confirm that you have diabetes mellitus. Three tests are usually confirmatory for having elevated blood sugars and diabetes – Fasting blood sugars, post prandial blood sugar levels and HbA1 (Glycosylated hemoglobin). Fasting blood sugar is tested in a person before he/she consumes food or drink first thing in the morning. This is most dependable. The range for a normal fasting blood sugar is between 70 mg/dl and 110 mg/dl. Post prandial blood sugars are done 2 hours after a meal usually 2 hours after lunch. PP blood sugars should be upto 140 mg/dl in a non-diabetic person. HbA1c (glycated or glycosylated hemoglobin) is a value which indicates blood sugar control over a period of 3 months. This is a more accurate indicator for long term diabetes control. Proper diabetes screening is necessary to test blood sugar levels on a regular basis. The common diabetes symptoms seen are as follows:

- Blurry vision
- Polydipsia or Excessive thirst
- Polyuria or Frequent urination particularly at night (nocturnal enuresis)
- Polyphagia or Excessive hunger
- Unintentional Weight loss and failure to thrive
- Sudden weight gain and obesity
- Fatigue
- Slow healing of cuts or infections
In Type 2 diabetes, individuals experience additional diabetes symptoms such as
- Tingling pain, numbness in feet and hands (
pin pricks kind of a sensation) - Aches/ Pains
- Persistent itching of the skin and dry skin
- Erectile dysfunction
- Genital itching
- Vaginal Infections
- Blurred vision
Non healing ulcers and wounds
The onset of type 1 diabetes symptoms is usually sudden and dramatic. The symptoms of Type 2 diabetes appear gradually. Diabetes symptoms can be mild or absent. In some cases of type 2 diabetes, there are no symptoms at all. Such people can live for months (or even years) without even knowing that they have diabetes mellitus. Therefore, regular screening for diabetes is very essential to manage it in time. This can avoid co-morbidities such as heart disease, stroke or infection. Many times, diabetes may be detected in an elderly person who undergoes testing for a heart attack, high blood pressure or some other co-morbidity.
Why diabetes mellitus needs to be treated?
If left untreated, the level of glucose in the blood can become very high, leading to complications of diabetes, or even lead to gangrene, or induce coma and possibly death. Diabetes symptoms depend on when your diabetes is discovered and what type of diabetes you have. All diabetic patients will not experience all the signs of diabetes. Some patients do not notice any early signs of diabetes. Lab analysis of fasting blood sugar levels are the most reliable way to find out whether your blood sugars are too high (hyperglycemia) or too low (hypoglycemia). Find out what causes diabetes and be aware of the risk factors to control diabetes.

Pallavi Pinge is a Clinical Nutritionist and Dietitian | Content Director & Editor for health websites | has a passion for digital health and enjoys promoting health and wellness. She’s the founder and director of Ambrosia Wellness, where she provides personalized nutrition counseling, education, and coaching to individuals with various health conditions. You can follow her on her social media channels below to stay tuned in with the latest in health and wellness | Health Blog | Contact her for appointments |