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Best dietician near me in India – Check out!

The Perception of Diets and Dietitians

Most people think of nutritionists and dieticians in terms of weight loss and weight gain! While weight management and avoiding unhealthy foods is one important aspect in dietary and lifestyle management towards good health, it is a small fraction in the overall picture of clinical and disease management of patients. Personalized dietary management focuses on the clinical aspects of health and disease to enjoy a better quality of health, the natural way. This article will help you find the best dietician near me or you vs. a quack or celebrity who practice as dieticians.

Diet and lifestyle management form the very core basis of day to day life, unlike medical treatment which uses drugs to suppress disease through symptom management, and have possible side effects of drug therapy. However, the sad truth is, there is a surge in the number of quacks practicing as dietitians and nutritionists today who are labeled as “celebrity dieticians” after advising the who’s who page 3 crowd. With the high demand for “health experts” and boom in the supplement industry, it is important that know how to find the best dietician near me and you especially at a time when every other person believes he/ she is a nutritionist based on google-searches or wants to do a short course to join the quack race.

Genuine associations like the Indian Dietetic Association (IDA) and CanQC (Campaign against Nutrition Quacks and Courses) are some organizations to watch out for. These are their guidelines below to help you choose a qualified nutritionist and dietician vs. a quack or unqualified person. These associations particularly CanQC constantly creates diet and health awareness with genuine tips on social media and seminars in an effort to create authentic nutrition knowledge and stop nutrition quackery. The public needs to be forewarned to understand how to choose the best dietician near me. They should check the credentials of the person whom they consult for diet and not blindly join the bandwagon of consulting celebrity dieticians who are oftentimes unqualified or medical professionals or worse, gym trainers!

How to find the best dietician near me

Check the qualifications of a nutritionist & dietitian before consulting anyone for diet & nutrition. Beware of quacks and self-proclaimed experts and celebrity dietitians!

Best Dietician near me in India

  • Please be sure to check the credentials for the nutritionist who will give you Nutritional Advice. Note that Nutrition is a science and the person consulting you need to have an in-depth understanding and training to become eligible to be called “Qualified”. The qualification of nutritionist or dietitian required to practice as a professional is: a minimum of

    A Bachelors Degree (3 Years) in Food Science and Nutrition 


    A Post Graduate Diploma (1.5 years) 


    A Masters degree in Food Science, Nutrition and Dietetics from a recognized University with at least 6 months of clinical setting experience as an internship in a multi-specialty hospital. 

    We have a right to know the qualification of the person we consult. We need to find the best-qualified nutritionist and dietician near you and me. Why?  In order to take care of our food habits, diet, and nutritional advice. This information has been issued in the Public interest by Indian Dietetic Association (Mumbai Chapter) Feb 2013


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